Dryness in the eyes or dry eyes syndrome is a fairly common symptom. It occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears to stay moist or when the tears do not perform their function correctly. According to statistics, it affects approximately 30% of the population....
NYSTAGMUS, emotional and spiritual meaning
Nystagmus is an involuntary and uncontrolled movement of the eyes that can be horizontal, vertical, rotating, and oblique or a combination of these. It is associated with poor functioning in the brain areas that are responsible for controlling movement. Those affected...
MYOPIA, emotional and spiritual meaning
 Myopia is an effect of vision that only allows you to see clearly what is close and is unable to focus and perceive distant objects. If the retina is affected, it means that I live in fear of an approaching danger (it can be real or symbolic). What's more, it...
BLEPHARITIS, emotional and spiritual meaning
Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids. These are like a curtain that is closed to protect us from external aggressions, to rest or not to see. Inflammation often comes from anger at something we are seeing and it causes us pain. "That hurts my sight" Likewise,...
COLD SORES, emotional and spiritual meaning
 The cold sores comes to repair the small ulcerations of the skin that occurred in the active phase of a separation conflict to sensitize the skin and allow greater contact. Generally, herpes appears around the mouth or sexual organs, on the border between the skin...
LIPOMA, emotional and spiritual meaning
  A lipoma is a slow-growing ball of fat that is most often located between the skin and the hidden muscle layer. It may be the consequence of an aesthetic self-devaluation. I have lived or am living a situation in which I feel judged and attacked. Symbolically,...
DARK CIRCLES under eyes, emotional and spiritual meaning
Dark circles are bluish, grayish or purple colorations that appear under the lower eyelids of the eyes. They are normally caused by fatigue and stress and should disappear naturally when we are rested. What is the emotional cause when this does not happen? Well,...
CHALAZION, emotional and spiritual meaning
A Chalazion is a lump that forms on the upper or lower eyelid. It appears as a consequence of an accumulation of fat secretion in the Meibomian glands. The biological meaning of fat is protection. Therefore, the chalazion warns me of a dirty and ugly visual conflict,...
CYSTS, emotional and spiritual meaning
A cyst is a rounded formation that contains a fatty or liquid substance (usually soft). It is a "frozen" emotional impact, which has not been resolved, but which has not continued either. Therefore, when a cyst appears, it is the repair phase of a conflict of precise...