Amenorrhea is an excessive irregularity or even total absence of menstruation. It may be because it never started or because it was subsequently interrupted. Having this symptom has the sense of "avoiding reproduction", probably because there are many possibilities...
Emotional and spiritual causes of MENORRHAGIA
The menorrhagia is considered when menstrual bleeding is abnormally heavy or prolonged. Menorrhagia indicates that the woman lives in a situation of blockade and that she suffers in silence, in isolation. She expresses a deep sense of guilt and self-punishment. The...
Emotional causes of GENITAL HERPES
The main characteristic of genital herpes is that only the closest people can notice it. Although it is thought that herpes spreads easily, especially when there is intimate contact with an infected person, it can never be considered a “contagion” because it is a...
Emotional causes of MASTITIS
Mastitis affects the supporting tissues of the glands that produce breast milk for the baby. In general, they express a problem related to “the lack of support in the nest”. "I don't feel supported by my partner, mother, etc." A woman with mastitis feels alone in...
Polycystic ovary syndrome, emotional and spiritual meaning
Polycystic ovary syndrme refers to the presence of several hard cysts of various sizes on the ovaries. The cysts basically refer to problems due to not being able or not wanting to have children. There are women who are convinced that they do not want to have children...
MAMMARY GLAND, emotional and spiritual meaning
The biological meaning of the mammary gland is to nourish. Its main function is the production and secretion of milk for lactation. The problems that affect this organ are linked to the drama or dispute in the nest, with a connotation of danger and concern for the...
VULVODYNIA, emotional meaning
Vulvodynia: also known as "vulvar burning syndrome", It is characterized by the appearance of pain and burning mainly in the labia majora, despite the fact that the external appearance is normal and there are no signs of infection. Women of any age can be affected....
VAGINITIS, emotional and spiritual meaning
Vaginitis is an inflammatory condition in these areas of the female body, the vagina and vulva, which are related to pleasure, to the ability to give and receive sexual pleasure. When a woman presents a vaginitis, she means that she has lived or that she is...
CRYPTORCHIDISM, emotional and spiritual meaning
Cryptorchidism is a developmental disorder that consists of the incomplete descent of one or both testicles through the inguinal canal into the scrotum. If cryptorchidism occurs during pregnancy, one or both testicles are hidden to “pretend” that we are not the...